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Board of Park Commission 10-3-2008 Special Meeting
Board of Park Commission
Meeting Minutes
October 3, 2008; 8:30 AM
Commission Conference Room

Present were: Chairman Patrick Finnegan, Commissioners Rick Fink, Jack Clarkson, Deb Kane, Carol Collins and Kelli Stanley (Carol & Kelli via conference call); Coordinator Mike Harris and Clerk to the Board Crystal Turner.

Chairman Finnegan called the meeting to order.  He stated he had hoped all members had a chance to review the resolution.  All stated that they had.  Mike Harris said that he made one change to the resolution sent out due to the insurance coverage.  Friends of Regional Parks ("Friends") did not include us (County) as an additional insured, so that is being corrected right now with the insurance provider.  However that change takes some time and we do not have the updated policy yet.  Mike has added a statement (#2) to the bottom of the resolution that would give him authority to, "…enter into and issue extensions of the term of the License Agreement if needed."

Do to this change, and the fact that some Commissioners were on conference call and could not see the document; Chairman Finnegan read the resolution into the record.

Commissioner Clarkson move that this board approval Resolution #BPC2008-06.  Commissioner Fink seconded the motion.  Board discussion: Mike Harris clarified that "Friends" only have three months.  This allows them to start the prep work of digging, excavation, foundation preparation.  They do not yet have a building permit, so nothing permanent can be done.  Since someone else is designing and building the dinosaur playground, then that will playground will be a [roughly] $300,000 gift to the County, the final contract will be different to accept the gift of the playground.  Roll call vote was taken with all members voting "aye."  Motion passed unanimously.

Mike Harris updated the board that the bridge is complete and open and he encouraged everyone to stop by and walk over it, sit on the benches and listen to the water running under the bridge.

Meeting adjourned.